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Personal Ecology
Wisdom and Spirituality


“Do we need to be constantly on our toes, trying to overtake the other person, at the risk, as Lao Zi put it, of no longer being able to ‘stand up straight’? [...] How too far should we go?  At what point does development become contradictory with fulfillment?  Isn't the prevailing malaise partly linked to this incessant race against oneself?  And above all: who has an interest in the “always more”?  Man or the system?” (L'Obsession de la performance, Ed. Jouvence, 2009)

Slow down. Breathe in. Let go. Say NO.
Move from comfort to health, from superficial well-being to better BEING.
Give meaning to your life in order to move toward the right direction!

WARNING: Personal development and wellness books are more fashionable than ever, but are they effective?  Are we really seeing less unhappiness around us? In reality, development serves above all the “ever more” of the System, while well-being is too superficial or manichean to make any real difference. Rather than showing off, we should simply BE !

Slow down. Breathe in. Let go. Reflect on your true personal goals! Reject the obsession of performance but don't fall into the "Diaper syndrome" either. Move from development to personal ecology, then to spirituality, even to wisdom?

Everything is more accurate at human level.
“One idiot walking is better than ten intellectuals sitting,” unless he's walking in the wrong direction.
Personal development is too often confused with staff development.
“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be oneself” (Montaigne).
Of all the fundamentals, the meaning of one's life is, by far or by near, the most essential!

Did you know?  The "law of the jungle" is not a natural human law. Completely vulnerable at birth, we would have no chance of survival without the support of others. Without collaboration, humanity would never have known progress or civilization. Mathematician Peter Saunders has calculated that natural selection would not have generated the fantastic diversity of life on Earth and argues for a new evolutionary model: cooperation between organisms. Botanist Jean-Marie Pelt concludes that solidarity “appears to be the real driving force of life”!

The 3 steps and MEANING solutions:


1. First floor: Personal development
It is only possible to start from where you are, but you have to choose the right direction. Problem : the consumerist system multiplies paths and dead ends.  Self-knowledge is therefore a priority. What are my interests, my values, my goals?  What am I willing to work on to get ahead without loosing sight of my essentials?

Practical Book l'Alchimie du Succès (Editions Dangles, 1997, in French)
My first and most useful book for getting started, ideally as a teenager.
The best techniques for personal development and self-knowledge.
Meditation and Buddhist reflections to keep you on track.
18 euros, direct from the author.


Essay L'imposture du bien-être (Editions Dervy, 2018, in French)
A corrosive essay on an industry as vain as superficial.
How to overcome the "diaper syndrome" and finally feel better.
“Rather than appearing, one day we'll have to end up just being!”
13.90 euros.- available from the author or from bookshops.

2. Second floor: Personal ecology
Once you've accomplished a certain number of things and found your rightful place in society, you can take your foot off the gas and enjoy the scenery. But it's not easy to slow down, let alone sit down! Stooping down and standing still from time to time is however the only way to avoid losing yourself... or even find yourself.

Philosophical Tale Le Mendiant et le Milliardaire (Ed. Jouvence, 2007)
My only foray into the world of storytelling and my only book translated into several
languages (in English soon). An unusual story that's far less Manichean than it seems...
Beware, you'll never be the same once you've met the Beggar!
Now rare in French but available second-hand or as a kindle e-book.


Practical book L'Obsession de la performance (Ed. Jouvence, 2009)
Why so much unhappiness when there have never been so many recipes for happiness?
Does the solution really lie in the “always more”?
It's time to reflect and question the myths of performance...
8 euros via the author.


Practical book Le Choix de la Sérénité (Ed. Jouvence, 2010, in French)
I've got the choice! To mope over every annoyance, or to become adept of letting go.
To be blown away by the wind or adopt the posture of the reed, which bends but doesn't break.
Serenity is an inner strength that illuminates and allows us to pay more attention to life.
8 euros via the author.


The personal ecology Blog

Everyone talks about ecology, but everyone (or almost everyone) hides its correct definition. Ecology is in fact etymologically not the preservation of the environment but the optimization of its environment through attention to fundamentals. How to preserve my own energy and not save the energy of the System...

3. Third Floor: Spirituality and Wisdom ​

The final step cannot be an end in itself since wisdom depends precisely on a renunciation of the artifices of the ego. So, what remains when appearance disappears? Mystery of mystery, Door of understanding...

Reference book Les Sens du Tao (Ed. Entrelacs, 2016, in French)

Several reading levels to (finally) understand Lao Zi (Lao Tseu) and the astonishing modernity of Daode Jing (Tao Te King). A descent into the heart of the first three chapters in order to perceive the senses and the essence of taoism. In view of our impostures, the 21st century will have to follow the Tao or won't precede much...

19.80 euros via the author or bookstore order.


The Essential Appointment

3 MEANING problems and 3 solutions... including the need to feel physically vital in order to have the energy required for personal reflection. We therefore suggest that you come see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by an analysis of your needs over about hours, without stress. Price of CHF 180.-, reimbursed in the event of adequate equipment following advice. Possibility of also leaving with a few books...


Actions Business manager / HR?
Fully fulfilled employees should move in the direction of the company as long as the company itself still has meaning. What if the return of humanity was the best way to restore real value to work?

Learn more about the MEANING of life :
The Beggar website (in French) :

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