Managing all the stress
Psio Technology
Audiomedicine Meta-Relaxation
"Yesterday belongs to history
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is a gift,
That's why we call it Present"
Manage all stress-related issues with Audiomedicine.
Soothe the mind to improve well-being or achieve a goal.
Use Psio technologies to a new level of relaxation and well-being.
DISCLAIMER: Many techniques exist to enable us to communicate more effectively with our nervous system, strengthen our psychological defenses, achieve mental well-being - in a word, to BE better. Of all the more common approaches like sophrology, NLP, visualization, and meditation, which is now very fashionable, Ericksonian multi-evocation remains relatively unknown. Yet it's the most powerful approach to reprogramming the unconscious mind, gently and effortlessly, so you can get back to sleep, deal with a problem, or push back your limits.
Change your mind. Overcome fear. Relax deeply and effortlessly. Gently reprogram your unconscious. Sleep better. Overcome an addiction. Improve your chances of overcoming a chronic illness. Regain vitality and joy of living. Clear your mind. Instantly change your outlook. Mobilize your resources. All this with PSIO eyewear, coupled or not with the PSIO-TRANS vibro-acoustic system.
Stress-related problems account for 2/3 of all consultations with General Practitioners.
As body and mind are linked, all pathologies have a psychological component.
Psychoanalytical approaches are time-consuming and may produce few results.
Getting a good night's sleep is fundamental to personal ecology, and simply requires clearing the head.
Despite our anxiety-inducing modern environment, we have a choice of messages to feed our brains.
Did you know ? The unconscious accepts both the positive and the negative. Psychoanalysis goes into the deep search of the negative, hidden or fled Memories, even if it means inventing them! The approach of PSIO and Ericksonian multi-evocation via Meta-Relaxation Audiomedicine is, on the contrary, to add positivity, color, perspective, joy and life, and to gradually change the color of the subconscious bath and finally move on to a totally different quality of life!
Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838 Direct or WhatsApp
The 3 problems and MENTAL solutions :
1. Changing your outlook is the best way to modify your worldview. Improving your unconscious, to change your ideas, should be the first step, upstream of problems. Because if you think what you've always thought, you will continue to live what you've always lived...
► The Ecological Solution : Audiocament® are stereo recordings with therapeutic properties. Against a background of gentle music, several voices guide you into a state of deep relaxation, on the verge of sleep. Sometimes in the left ear, sometimes in the right, sometimes simultaneously, the symbolic stories told are both amusing and soothing, and speak directly to your subconscious, which perceives these messages while your attention is at rest. Based on Dr. Milton Erickson's techniques of indirect suggestion and multi-evocation, these recordings are the result of over fifteen years' research in psychoacoustics and psychosomatic medicine. Many hospitals in Belgium and France use them, and audiomedicine has been recommended by the Belgian Ministry of Health.
Audiocaments Méta-Relaxation
Catalog of some sixty titles, a dozen in English.
Sleep, stress, weight, tobacco, alcohol, depression, functional disorders,...
Available individually in MP3 format - 20 euros excl VAT
Integrated into Psio relaxation glasses.
Unlimited listening via the CAP-ZEN application
2. Meditation is all the rage, but achieving quality meditation in such an anxiety-provoking environment is a real challenge. We produce over 50,000 thoughts a day and are subjected to 2 Megabits of information every second... How, in these conditions, can we achieve a state of emptiness?
► The Ecological Solution : Thanks to pulsed light (synchronized with music), Psio® eyewear virtually stops the flow of thoughts, providing an extremely regenerative mental vacuum - the ideal way to get back to sleep without the need for sleeping pills. See the SLEEP section. Combined with Meta-Relaxation Audiomedicine (see above), Psio® is also the most powerful approach for gently reprogramming the subconscious mind and achieving a new quality of life.
La technologie Psio® :
Psio® Basic with 8 programs included
Psio® Custom with 15 programs + 7 to choose + case
Psio® Premium 3.0 with 14 progr. + 14 to choose + helmet
(Psio® version 3.0: black, wider and more powerful with 40 Hz flashing)
Consult me for prices
3. Vibration is synonymous with life: electromagnetic frequencies, light frequencies, auditory frequencies, sensory frequencies... Everything is information, everything is frequency, everything is vibration, including deep relaxation.
► The Ecological Solution : Psio-Trans® is a vibro-acoustic system installed under a wooden massage table or on a dedicated chair to physically feel the vibrations of music and its benefits! The 432Hz musical vibrations propagate throughout the entire body, generating a deep massage of the soft tissues and skeleton. The sensation of relaxation is intense, together with a harmonic rebalancing of tension in motor muscles and viscera.
Psio-Trans® :
2 transducers for mounting under massage table / Full metal seat.
Over 50 vibro-acoustic tracks encoded in 432 Hz, the frequency of nature.
32 GB smartphone to store and manage all your music.
Vibrating integrated with Audiomedicine and PSIO glasses for unparalleled relaxation.
Consult me for prices.
The Essential Appointment
3 MENTAL problems and 3 solutions... but other fundamentals to deal with and a personal situation to consider. We invite you to come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by a stress-free analysis of your needs, lasting around 2 hours. Fee of CHF 180.-, refunded if you acquire the right equipment following our advice. You can also leave with certain products. Unless specifically requested, Psio-Trans is not normally tested during the session.
Actions Managers / HR ?
Stress management, ideally at an early stage, has become a key factor in preventing absenteeism and improving working conditions. Between our various services and equipment (some of which are exclusive), we are naturally able to evaluate and respond to all your needs, especially when it comes to integrating the best relaxation technologies.
To know (much) more on MENTAL:
(but in French so best to contact us)
Technology doc (pdf) : Les lunettes PSIO
Blog article: Comment utiliser l’hypnose ericksonienne chez soi ?
Doc pdf : Dépasser la peur et le stress
Exhaustive information web site :