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Find sleep naturally
eep soundly
Wake up better

"If you want to sleep, then start yawning.
To sleep is to empty your mind.

Create the right conditions and environment for sleep.
Enable deep, regenerative sleep.
Wake up without alarm feeling refreshed.

WARNING: In addition to harmful chemical sleeping pills, many professionals offer medical or technological solutions to help their patient overcome insomnia and get back to sleep. Sleep gets a lot of attention, from cognitive-behavioral therapies to sleep clinics with precise measurements via multiple sensors (sleep trackers). Since the basics are being forgotten, this is usually just adding stress. 

Optimize your environment. Sanctuarize your bedroom. Create the conditions for sleep. Clear your mind. Achieve deep, restorative sleep. Wake up naturally. Easily recharge during the day. Gain health and vitality without chemicals, stress or effort!

At 75 years of age, one has spent around 25 years sleeping: 1/3 of our life is spent lying down.
One third of the population sleeps badly and 10% of adults take chemical sleeping pills.
Sleeping less (sleep duration that is quantity) generally means better sleep quality.
To take a nap is a healthy habit. Three quarters of the world's population naps.
The medical approach should be considered as last resort, as it generates stress and expenses.

Did you know? Sleep quality is more important than sleep quantity. The essential rule is to respect your sleep cycles. After falling asleep, sleep passes through five phases:

  • Light sleep (20 min.)

  • Deep sleep (approx. 10 min.)

  • Very deep sleep (approx. 1 hour): our vital functions are at their lowest.

  • REM sleep (10-15 min.): time for dreams

  • Return to wakefulness (1-2 min.)

A complete sleep cycle lasts between 1h20 and 2h10, depending on the individual, and is repeated several times throughout the night. Only the first two cycles of the night include very deep sleep, which erases physical fatigue. Dreams erase mental fatigue, and their duration increases with the number of cycles. What to think of Einstein and his 12-hour nights?

Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838  Direct or WhatsApp


The 3 problems and SLEEP solutions :


1. Ecology is etymologically (“oikos” house, “logos” discourse) the reflection or study of habitat: is my environment (habitat) adapted to my health and vitality? The setting of the bedroom is of prime importance when it comes to sleep quality. Are the basics respected?  A proper bedroom is clean, quiet, dark, tidy, cool (18°C / 64° F max.), ventilated and olfactory-pleasing, with no indoor pollutants (see the AIR section). It should make you feel safe and comfortable.

Ecological Solutions: While a good mattress is an investment, optimizing your bedroom costs nothing but does require some thoughts and common sense. Your bedroom needs to bring you to quality sleep, which requires harmonious energy circulation, following the basic principles of Chinese Feng Shui. The headboard of your bed should be placed East (not North) and be positioned against a wall (with no TV behind it in the next room), isolated from the front door. Mirrors reflecting the bed should be avoided. In terms of decoration, red excites, while violet, blue or green soothe. Finally, as with the mind, the idea is to empty rather than fill up. Sort out what's quantitative and what's qualitative, go beyond gadgets and plastic, and focus on a few beautiful objects that will help you relax as you contemplate them.  Still not enough?  A few drops of Petit Grain Bigarade Essential Oil (see CARE section) will immediately bring you peace.


2. All the above is beneficial to sleep quality, but one final element of personal ecology should absolutely be addressed: the electromagnetic pollution! Artificial waves are omnipresent and we are even more sensitive to them during our sleep. Pulsed artificial waves causea significant decrease of melatonin, the sleep hormone!  Hotel rooms with permanent Wi-Fi and electric lamp cables in the wooden bed frames are a good example of nonsense...

Ecological Solutions:  Sanctuarize your bedroom from all electromagnetic pollution: no plugs or cables near the bed (which includes alarm clocks or plugged-in bedside lamps), obviously no TV, and cell phones as far away as possible. Switch off Wi-Fi during the night. As for external waves (neighbors' Wi-Fi, relay antennas, geomagnetic, etc.), equip yourself with multifunctional CMO protection, the only device to have scientifically demonstrated biological efficiency (it's not possible to block waves entirely), see the WAVES section.


CMO MF04 for100m2 on 3 storeys - 158 euros
CMO MF05 for 200m2 on 4 storeys - 251 euros

CMO TR26 for 12m2 - 108 euros excl. VAT

Cones are placed in a central position in the home.
The pebble is placed near the body during the day
and at the foot of the bed during sleep.

Testimonies: I immediately felt a sensation of relaxation, of calm, of “something settling down”. [...] And, finally, a night like the ones I remember from my adolescence, and even childhood. Since then, it's been confirmed, and every night is that of a very deep sleep. Thank you, thank you... My sleep is deeper, the night-time awakenings with respiratory distress have disappeared. I can sleep much better, despite the neighbors' WiFi...

3.Empty your mind” is Lao Zi's quoting from the Daode Jing, and it's certainly the best advice for getting a good night's sleep. Yet we live a hectic life, producing over 50,000 thoughts a day. How can we therefore manage to clear our minds before going to bed? Meditation is a good habit exercise, but best is to also avoid, before bed time, the bad news from the media, the excitement - violence of films/series and the blue light from the screens (in particular cell phones). Some relaxing music and a non-violent book would be better for a good night's sleep.

Ecological Solutions: Still not enough? Thanks to pulsed light with synchronized music, Psio® technological glasses virtually stops the flow of thoughts, enabling you to create an extremely regenerative mental peace - the ideal way to find sleep without the need for sleeping pills. The sleep-specific titles of Meta-Relaxation Audiomedicine (MP3 recordings combined with the glasses) enable you to obtain a deeper, more regenerative sleep, while gently reprogramming your subconscious for better nights' sleep in the future. Psio technology can also be used for energizing micro-naps.


Psio® technology :

Depending on the time of day and the need, sessions are adapted in terms of rhythms, colors and possibly relaxing messages.
MENTAL section. Consult us for rates.

​Fiche technologie PSIO (pdf)


The Essential Appointment

3 SLEEP problems and 3 solutions... but other Essentials to deal with and a personal situation to take into consideration. We suggest that you come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by an analysis of your needs over a no stress about 2h session. Price of CHF 180.-, reimbursed in the event of adequate equipment purchase following advice. Possibility of buying certain products on the spot.


Business Manager / HR Actions ?

The quality of employee sleep has a major impact on absenteeism, mood and productivity in general. The well-being of employees also depends on opportunities for calm and relaxation, in the absence of a room dedicated to napping. Between our various services and equipment (some of which are exclusive), we are naturally able to evaluate and respond to all your needs, particularly when it comes to integrating the best relaxation technologies.

To know more abour SLEEP:
(in French so best to contact us)
Technology document (pdf) : Les lunettes PSIO

Blog's article : Comment utiliser l’hypnose ericksonienne chez soi ?

Exhaustive website on well-being :


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