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Logo solutionsbio for the page on electromagnetic waves protection. How to protect your whole family from pulsed waves.

Waves protection

House, mobile phone, computer,...

Effectiveness organically tested

CMO are the best scientifically tested products to protect you from all the biological effects of electromagnetic waves.

On a global scale, I consider electromagnetic pollution to be a catastrophe far greater than global warming or the increase of chemical elements in the environment.
(Dr. Robert O. Becker, 1923-2008)


Protect yourself from all pulsed electromagnetic waves.
Strengthen your immune system and help your cells to better defend themselves.

Devices scientifically studied and 30 days money back guarantee*

* devices returned intact in complete original boxes

WARNING: It is difficult to find the right effective product with all the anti-radiation devices now available on the market. Most of them work poorly or even futher increase the harmfulness of electromagnetic pollution. The CMO products are considered the scientific standard with about twenty scentific biological tests demonstrating effectiveness... hence the 30 days money back guarantee.


Protect your body from the deleterious effects of pulsed electromagnetic waves... including the infamous 5G! Improve sleep quality and recharge. Preserve your neurons, your memory, your concentration and your good mood. Adopt prevention before the first symptoms. Take care of your family and especially your children.

The industry standard only takes into account tissue heating by microwaves...
Measurements are carried out on plastic dummies, far removed from human biology!
It is very difficult to block the extremely low frequencies (ELF) responsible for biological disturbances.
Most anti-wave devices are therefore ineffective, if not counter-productive.

Only compensating wave technology gives good results, validated by biological tests!

Did you know? Electromagnetic waves are classified as “possible carcinogens” (category 2B) by the WHO in 2011. No insurer has accepted to cover risks linked to electromagnetic waves since 2003. The Lloyds of London has even compared the risk of waves to the asbestos scandal. “The danger with electromagnetic fields, as with asbestos, is that the risk is underestimated. However, this risk could grow exponentially and last for several years." It also noted in its 2010 report “an increased risk of certain brain cancers” and exposure of children above the recommended limits

Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838
  Direct or WhatsApp

Benoît Saint Girons to help you to protect yourself and your habitat from all the effects of pulsed artificial waves.

The 3 problems and WAVES solutions:


1. Artificial waves are omnipresent and we constantly carry them with us,  via our mobile phones, that emits problematic pulsated waves, even in airplane mode! The security standard for talking on a mobile phone is a maximum of 6 minutes followed by 2 hours of latency. If the headset limits the heating of the brain by placing the phone further away, it does not protect against the biological effects of ELF (extremely low frequencies) and thus gives a false sense of security.


The Ecological Solution: CMO protections for individual devices protect against the thermal and biological effects of electromagnetic waves. Results supported by scientific studies!

CMO MP24 for mobile phones / DECT - 42 euros excl. VAT
CMO PC16 for computers, screens and inductions plates - 54 euros

Pad/shell 2.5cm in diameter to stick on the device

CMO MP24 to protect yourself from the dangerous waves effects of mobile phones, tablets and DECT telephone devices.
CMO PC16 to protect yourself and your family from the harmful waves effects of computers, screens and induction plates.

Attention! Most phone protections claim results without being able to demonstrate them through reliable scientific biological tests. So how do you know it works? To date, only products using the principle of compensation wave offers adequate protection against the thermal (microwave) and biological (ELF) effects of electromagnetic waves. That's why all CMOs have a 30-day take-back guarantee. (devices returned intact, i.e. unglued and in complete original boxes).

Testimonials: Just perfect! Small and extremely efficient. Tested by muscle test, it offers a total protection against electromagnetic waves... EXCELLENT!... I no longer have my ears that heat up nor headache when I use the phone... I couldn't stand the DECT cordless phone at work: after 5 minutes, I had to put it hands-free to save my brain from the very unpleasant sensation of heating. As soon as the CMO were fixed on the handset, it was over. I can now spend several hours on the phone without problem...

2. A large part of the waves experienced at home are via the wireless network deployed everywhere by Wi-Fi, including from your neighbours, and relay antennas, now up to 5G! The electrical network is also problematic, from low voltage (especially if the house is made of wood) to carcinogenic high voltage lines. Geomagnetic fields can also disturb the body. All this can lead to multiple biological effects, in particular sleep disturbance resulting in an inability to recover properly and chronic fatigue. See the SLEEP section.


The ecological Solution: Multifunction CMO protects the whole family and habitat from all uncontrollable external waves: Wi-Fi, relay antennas, electricity (high and low voltage) and geomagnetic fields.


CMO MF04 for100m2 x 3 floors - 158 euros excl. VAT
CMO MF05 for 200m2 x 4 floors - 291 euros excl. VAT

6 and 8 cm height cones to be placed in a central position.

Testimonials: I immediately had a feeling of relaxation, of calm, like "something that landed". Then, at bedtime, it was something a little strange, weird, "not as usual". And, finally, a night like those whose memory goes back to adolescence, and even childhood. Since then, this has been confirmed and each night is one of very deep sleep. Thank you, thank you... My sleep is deeper, nocturnal awakenings with respiratory distress have disappeared. And I'm no longer exhausted at the end of the day when I stayed at home non-stop without going out... I'm electrosensitive and overnight I felt a clear difference in my home. I noticed a general relief and a reduction in muscle tension, among other effects. I can sleep much better, despite the neighbours' WiFi...

3. Artificial waves are also harmful outdoors, although to a lesser extent. On the other hand, the harmfulness is worst on transportation (planes, trains, buses and cars) since they have no or minimal contact with the ground and, therefore, the waves from all the on-board electronics are concentrated.


Wear the CMO Traveler device for a protection from all "external" waves within a range of 12m2.


For someone who is electrohypersensitive, to remove himself from the waves means to almost remove himself from the world. Following some advice to use special paints or blackout metal curtains would require a substantial budget for little to no result those would not block the extremely low frequencies (ELF). The approach of protection your immune system from the waves is much more constructive and proactive.


The Ecological Solution: Protect your immune system and your natural defenses against waves, in particular with the CMO designed for electrohypersensitive people.


CMO TR26, the most complete portable device - 108 euros excl. VAT

Integrates electro-sensitivity management.

Shell of 4.5cm and 0.9cm thick, to carry on oneself or in a bag

CMO TR26 to protect your immune system and your natural defenses against waves, in particular electrohypersensitive people.

Testimonials: Being subject to a lot of high frequency fields in my workplace, I can finally concentrate and maintain my health throughout the day. I felt a difference immediately... Very effective... I feel the positive effects (more relaxed and I sleep better)... Very good product...

Synthesis of biological studies
détails on

The most extensive range of scientific biologic tests to demonstrate the effectiveness of their CMO products against waves.
“Thanks to the CMOs, we deal with the essentials.
We protect ourselves and then can calmly move on to another subject! ”

The Essentials' Appointment

3 WAVES problems and 3 solutions... but other Essentials to deal with and a personal situation to take into consideration. We suggest that you come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by an analysis of your needs over a no stress about 2h session. Price of CHF 180.-, reimbursed in the event of adequate equipment purchase following advice. Possibility of buying certain products on the spot.

The best way to understand the protection against electromagnetic waves offered by CMO is to come visit me in Geneva.

Business manager / HR Actions?

As early as 2014 in Italy, an employee had his brain tumor recognized as an occupational pathology because it linked to the use of his professionnal mobile phone... In France in 2018 (private sector) and 2019 (public sector), electro sensitivity has been recognized by the court as an occupational disease. Since no insurer covers the waves, business leaders are at risk of legal action from employees when the harmfulness of the waves is officially recognized. The foremost interest for waves protection should however be stress management: in the office, it has been demonstrated that 33% of stress symptoms come from computer screens alone. Finding a solution to articificial waves pollutions is thus one of the most effective anti-stress strategy and the easiest to implement!

The full range of CMO products, the only device that has scientifically demonstrated a biological effect against waves.
The CMO offers biological protection in the whole habitat or outside for all the devices emitting electromagnetic waves.

To know (much more) on WAVES:
(in French so best to contact me)
Vidéos: Les 5 arnaques des ondes / Les généralités sur les ondes / Les précautions à prendre / Les mauvaises solutions contre les ondes
Pdf document: Les ondes et leurs effets
Technology pdf document : La gamme CMO

Blog article: Comment se protéger des ondes
Exhaustive information web site :

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